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2001 Orient Tour - Day 3
July 12, 2001

Can you solve the, "Where are the Chaperones Eating?" mystery.

Below are a few pictures of the chaperones, and security dads, eating.
We aren't sure where they are eating, or WHAT they are eating, but they are eating.
We thought you might enjoy the pictures.

Where ever they are eating, it MUST be delicious, right Marilyn?!?

If you can solve the "Where are the chaperone's eating?" mystery, CLICK HERE
To view the responses we have received CLICK HERE


Here are a few responses to the "Chaperone Mystery"
Let us know what YOU think!

Samantha writes:  "a japanese resteraunt"
Curtis writes:  "Since they don't have transportation and they probably aren't the most adventurous groups of travelers, I suspect they are eating in the Hotel Urashima dining room.  They are eating with a combination of silverware and chopsticks and aren't eating in a traditional Japanese communal style, so I suspect the hotel makes some concessions for Westerners.

P.S.  Great work with the pictures and webpage."

Editor's note:  Thanks Curtis!

The TGC Office agrees with Samantha by writing:  "A Japanese Restaurant."  Then asks the questions:  "Marilyn, are you having trouble? Hard eating pasta with chop sticks"

Editor's note:  Marilyn Cadenhead was a member of the Texas Girls' Choir for, well, let's just SEVERAL years!



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Texas Girls Choir

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