Home of the Texas Girls' Choir - Fort Worth, TX

4449 Camp Bowie Boulevard  *  Fort Worth  *  TX  *  76107  *  USA

Telephone 817-732-8161  *  Fax 817-732-4774

Information for parents and choir girlsClick here to see a list of the Texas Girls' Choir current performancesCheck this page out to learn more about special eventsVisit this link to see the most recent, and current, tours of the Texas Girls' ChoirLearn about the Texas Girls' Choir Camp, including how you can rent it for your organization
Find out how to join the Texas Girls Choir!Learn more about how the Texas Girls' Choir got startedClick here to learn how you can contribute to the Texas Girls ChoirCheck this page out to see a map of the Texas Girls Choir web siteClick here to go back to our main page.


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Day 14

European Tour 2000 - Day 9
Monday, July 3, 2000

To return to Day 9

Venice, Italy to Tettnang, Germany

At about 5:00 we arrived in Tettnang and met our host families.  Sara's and my host family we the Lockers.  They had 3 children, Elisabeth, 13 years old, Michael, 12 years old and Fransiska, 9 years old.  They lived in a medium sized house with many, many, many beautiful flowers all around their house.  When we went inside we ate liver cheese, salad (tomato) and stuff that tasted like hot dog meat only not rolled up.  It was good.  Hannah Covington



They (homestay) were very nice.  There were three girls ages 16, 17 & 19! They had a mom and dad.  Then they had a dog named Tuxido.  He was black, fuzy and cute!  Mallory Fontenot


Girls said "good-bye" before going to homestays.


The adults enjoy a quiet dinner at the Hotel Ritter.

The adults stayed in two hotels but had dinner together.

The food was good, but they missed the girls.

Happy birthday, Liddie Weir!

Ilse and Inga celebrate Liddie's birthday.

To return to Day 9




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Day 14




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Texas Girls Choir

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